Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Death Penalty Is A Way Of Punish People - 1754 Words

Death Penalty The death penalty is a way to punish people because they have committed a crime. It has been around since the 18th century BC. According the article titled â€Å"History of the Death Penalty† written by Reggion, the death penalty wasn’t just for those who will kill others, but it was also for those who used â€Å"magic, made insulting songs, the cutting or grazing of crops planted by a farmer, the burning [of] a house or a stack of corn near a house, cheating by a patron of his client, perjury, making disturbances at night in the city† (Reggio 1). Today, in the 21st century, the death penalty is to punish those who have committed a capital murder. The death penalty has had many different forms. For example, in the 18 century BC the†¦show more content†¦The death penalty has both pros and cons. The pros about having the death penalty legal are that it is cheaper than having someone in jail for life, death is simply a punishment, the killer won’t b e able to kill anybody else, and people will be scared to kill others (deterrence). The cons about the death penalty are discrimination, it’s morally wrong, innocent people are wrongly executed, it’s an added cost to tax payers, the legal process itself takes long, and lastly some criminals suffer from mental illness. Analyzing both the pros and cons, I believe that the death penalty should become illegal in all states, not just some states. The reason being is because the government (no one in general) shouldn’t decide when a life should end. In this paper, I will present claims that will prove why the death penalty should become illegal in all states, rather than becoming legal in the remaining 19 states. The death penalty contradicts itself. One major point of the death penalty is to punish those who have committed a crime (capital crime). But, more specifically the point of a punishment is for a person to learn from their mistakes, but it could also be a time when a person can think about what they did. For example, when a child does something they’re not supposed to do, a typical parent would usually put them on timeout, facing the wall for a while. Once they get out of timeout, a lot of the times they don’t

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